If you’ve ever read classic kung-fu comics like Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu or Iron Fist (or its excellent modern reimagining), then you know just how good beating up on ninjas can look on the page. But until now, you’ve never known how good it can feel.
That’s all set to change with the upcoming release of Kung-Fu Live on the Playstation Network. More information is expected to be released at Comic-Con this week, but here’s what we know already.Kung-Fu Live will be the latest title to incorporate Playstation Eye or the upcoming Playstation Move camera technology.

These devices literally allow you to become the game character, and beat down on a variety of thugs and nogoodniks. In addition to using your most reliable weapon (your body), you can also bring in objects like the bat seen in the game trailer.
It also appears that you will be able to tap into the more mystical side of the martial arts and unleash special elemental attacks, like a burst of lightning from your hands.Several features have been announced on the official Playstation Blog, including five-player multiplayer and monumental arena and boss battles. Since this is a Playstation Network title, this looks like it could be quite the bargain for the amount of entertainment it can provide to you and your brawler buddies.
Dust off those old books and get reacquainted with the arts of kung-fu so you’ll be ready when Sony and developer Virtual Air Guitar Co. release more details at Comic-Con. The convention starts on July 22 at the San Diego Convention Center and runs through the 25th.